Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bilişim Anabilim Dalı, Mimari Tasarımda Bilişim Lisansüstü
Programı'nın ev sahipliğinde, Aser Giménez Ortega, 8 Mayıs 2012 Salı günü saat
12:30'da Taşkışla 109 No'lu salonda "MVRDV DESIGN STRATEGIES" başlıklı bir
sunum yapmıştır.
is the present status of the design process? Which tools, inputs and actors are
and should be included?
order to answer to pressing global urgencies, to define the local position
within a larger context and to ensure qualities for the future, there is a
necessity to take responsibility following a wider perspective, incorporating
agendas by all actors involved.
design approach can be more ambitious and more daring. There is a possibility
for more objective tools, there can be other organizational models and
alliances... What does this mean for the way of developing projects and the
role of the responsible architect nowadays?
lecture will address these issues, illustrated by possible answers as projects
including the Vertical Village and DnB NOR headquarters.
Giménez Ortega is an architect and project leader at MVRDV since 2007. Before
joining MVRDV, he worked as an architect and urban designer in Spain, Brazil
and The Netherlands. At
MVRDV, Aser has been involved in the conceptualizing and execution of projects
of various scales, including urban designs such as Montecorvo Eco-City in
Logroño, Spain, a future vision for Oslo, Norway, building projects including
the Headquarters of Norwegian bank DnB NOR, development strategies such as the
conversion of New Holland Island in Saint Petersburg as well as research
projects such as the Vertical Village, in collaboration with The Why Factory.
Most recently, he lead MVRDV’s project proposal for Yenikapi Transfer Point and
Archaeopark, presented in Istanbul in April 2012. He has
received degrees from TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands (2004) and Universidad
Politécnica de Valencia, Spain (2005).